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We are pleased to provide a wide range of surgical services for our patients. These services range from routine surgical procedures, such as spaying, neutering, soft tissue surgeries and biopsies to more complex surgeries such as orthopedic procedures. We also have state of the art veterinary lab equipment to run your pet’s bloodwork before their procedure, this will detect any abnormalities that may make anesthesia or surgical procedures unsafe.

What to know before your pet goes under.


Dr. Carender & Dr. Booth are highly skilled in performing veterinary surgeries and will make every effort to ensure that your pet receives the very best care. In our surgical suite we focus on patient safety, patient monitoring and pain management. Our compassionate, skilled staff will monitor your pet before, during, and after surgery and take great care to ensure a safe and complete recovery for your pet. When its time for your pet to go home we will review the postoperative home care and medication instructions. Remember, we’re always available to address any questions that may arise after your pet returns home.

We thank you for the opportunity to help with your pet’s surgical needs. Plesae don’t hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns.

Learn more about the benefits to your pet when you spay or neuter here.

Fact: Did you know that a single pair of cats and kittens can product 420,000 kittens in only 7 years?